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Is it necessary to have insurance on an aircraft in Canada ?

Yes, all aircraft require third party liability to be flown in Canada.


What is the best coverage to buy fo your Aircraft ?

All Risk Flight and Ground coverage, this is a comprehensive insurance package for your aircraft while it is on the ground and while it is in the air.


What does plane insurance cover ?

There are 3 main coverages, All Risk Flight and Ground, All Risk Not in Motion and Liability Only with no Hull Coverage.


Should I underinsure my aircraft to save costs ?

It is not recommended to do this because if you were to have a claim and the damages exceed your hull value, the insurance company may just cut you a cheque less the deductible and take...


How much should I insurance my aircraft hull for ?

It is recommended to get an appraisal done on your aircraft whether it is in person or a desktop appraisal which is a much cheaper option.


Assurance automobile C.A.S.

Conduisez en toute sécurité! Laissez-nous le soin de bien vous protéger. Nous sommes le courtier officiel du groupe C.A.S. Grâce à ce partenariat, vous bénéficiez de plusieurs avantages...


Aviation Landing

We offer comprehensive coverage for Aircraft and Helicopters Our brokers will help you find the best coverage at a great price.   Talk to our insurance aviation specialist now. What sets...


Assurance automobile C.A.S. 2

Conduisez en toute sécurité! Laissez-nous le soin de bien vous protéger. Nous sommes le courtier officiel du groupe C.A.S. Grâce à ce partenariat, vous bénéficiez de plusieurs avantages...

